Ways To Tackle AP World Essays



Hello current AP World Students! This is Kimberly Agosto providing you a grand opportunity of extracting tactics to survive the world of AP. As an experienced student, this will be your Bible. A warning in advance: this may or may not work for all of you. Everyone has different styles that fit them comfortably; however, I will try my best to give general advice that anyone can try out. This site is created for the purpose of giving you breathing room in this rather stressful course. If you're an A or B student who always expect to have spectacular grades, then this class will discourage you. Fear not! Take this class as an opportunity to learn and accept the failures one would normally encounter in life. Remember, when you actually go to college, not every class will be to your fancy. By the end of this year, you all will practically be immune to seeing a 30% on your test. I am not saying you shouldn't study; studying is still important, but the system doesn't actually expect you to know EVERYTHING in history. So sit tight, relax, have fun if you're a love of history (if not, well then you're trying something new) and good luck!

I will try to make it short and sweet. :) Promise!

--> One more thing! 
This is all the elements that got me to SURVIVE this AP class. So I advise you pay close attention to what I have to say!